Jak zveme bolest

Může to vypadat hloupě. Ale když se podíváme na naše životy, děláme přesně to samé! Zveme si k sobě bolest. Možná tomu neradi věříme, ale každá jednotlivá bolest, kterou v životě zažíváme, je námi pozvána. Je to jako pozvat hosty do svého domu, zvát je znovu a znovu, ale když konečně dorazí, říkáme, že jsme je nečekali! Svými nestoudnými zvyky a stresujícím životním stylem k sobě zveme bolest a nemoc a pak na to všechno zapomeneme a později si stěžujeme, když onemocníme.
Příběh v AJ
We invite Pain
One man was seen walking in great pain. Another man asked him, ‘What happened? Do you have stomach ache or leg pain or something?’ The man replied, ‘No. The shoes I am wearing are too small.’ The other man was surprised and asked, ‘Then why are you wearing them?’ The first man replied, ‘Yes, I am suffering now, but in the evening when I remove the shoes, it is such a relief and great joy. You don’t know how enjoyable it is to feel the relief when I remove them!’
This may look silly. But if we look into our lives, we are also doing exactly the same thing! We invite pain upon ourselves. We may not like to believe this, but every single pain that we experience in life is invited by us.It is just like inviting guests to your house, calling them again and again, but when they finally arrive we say we were not expecting them! We invite pain and disease upon ourselves with our immoderate habits and stressful lifestyles, and then forget all about it and complain later when disease happens.
– Swamiji (The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam)
ZDROJ: Living Enlightenment Book https://kailaasa.org/living-enlightenment-book-download/